Thursday, October 22, 2009

Well, I'm not completely worthless...

I forgot that I use to say to my employees that if they feel crappy and not good enough they should go home and sleep on it because tomorrow puts everything in a different light.

I should listen more to myself...
So when I came home after work today I collected myself and made a new module, and an area with the same name and size as the old one. Then I started to drop the files, one at the time into the corrupt modules folder until I could load it. I got lucky on my third attempt. It was module.IFO that was broken and that only the water in the area is beyond rescue.

*doing the super hero dance*

I think I know someone that will be happy to hear this...


Josh said...

Yea, usually if a module refuses to open, its the Module.ifo file or so I've learned. This is why Directory Mode is so much better than Module Mode for developers.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have no clue about fixing module issues. However..... Good luck Amrapheal! hehe

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that! Keep up!

Lance Botelle (Bard of Althéa) said...


Good to hear you have it back again.
